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The Trust is a company limited by guarantee, and a registered charity. The trustees, directors of the company, are elected by the Members of the Trust at the AGM each year. Anyone can become a Member and there are currently over 100. One becomes a Member by payment of an annual subscription, or alternatively by committing to 20 hours annually of volunteer time on the site.

There are plenty of opportunities for volunteering. Much of the maintenance of Greyfriars is conducted at regular working parties - always on the second Saturday morning of the month, from 9.30am, and there are other ad hoc projects. Would anyone out there like to build us an owl box?

Members' annual subscriptions, especially when Gift Aided, help pay for keeping the site in a condition appropriate to its cultural and historic importance. It costs some £5,000 a year for basic maintenance, but for major repairs and restoration of the ancient buildings we are dependent upon grant funding from other bodies. We have had a great deal of help from Historic England for which we are very grateful.

If you would like to join Greyfriars to help us maintain the old monastery and the woodland then click here to download a membership form.

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The Trust and the General Data Protection Regulations

The Trust retains personal data of its members - names, addresses and email addresses used for regular communications with members, and amounts and dates of receipt of annual subscriptions and other donations required for Gift Aid claims to HMRC.

All data is held securely and not shared with any third party. Broad communications by email with members are sent by blind copy to protect individual privacy. Records are deleted when members leave the organisation (which to date has only occurred on decease)